My name is Mattijs Naus (I typically go by "Matt"). I'm a 34-year-old Dutchman, and I have been living in Thailand for the past 13 odd years. I moved to Thailand in my early 20's and decided this was as good a place as any and stuck around. When I was still living in the Netherlands, spend some time stuyding Computer Science and pursuing an MBA (I dropped out of university when I moved to Thailand though). I wrote my first code when I was 12 years old and have been programming and building stuff since.
I currently own and run a software company named Chilly Orange, and our flagship product is called Pagestead (formerly known as SB Pro; we renamed the product in January 2018). It's a self-hosted, fully white-labeled DIY website builder. Think of it like your very own Wix, Weebly, or Squarespace. Being a self-hosted platform means our customers purchase the software, download a copy of the source code, and install it on their own infrastructure.
Since it's a white-label platform, typically our customers apply their own branding to it and sell it as their own. It's mostly used by small- to medium-sized digital agencies focusing on web design, web development, and marketing, but it's also used by hosting companies, Internet marketeers, and entrepreneurs around the world.
DIY site builders like Wix and Squarespace are becoming more commonplace, and our customers have noticed this increased demand. They don't want to lose their customers to the existing platforms, but they also recognize how expensive and time consuming it is to develop their own. Pagestead handles this service for them.
After launching in May 2017, I ended up doing just over $50,000 in revenue in 2017, or roughly $5,500 per month. Since launching we have grown our customer base to 140 customers.
The current version of Pagestead is an iteration on a slightly different product I developed years ago. It all started with a product I built with the intention of selling on Envato's CodeCanyon website. This was just around the time DIY website builders like Wix and Squarespace were gaining popularity. I had previously sold products on ThemeForest, and I got the idea that people selling HTML templates on the platform might like to integrate their templates with a simple tool that would allow customers to drag-and-drop sections such as headings, content blocks, contact forms, feature sections, etc., to quickly and easily modify their pages.
So I developed such a tool and started offering it on CodeCanyon. I specifically mentioned that the product would be useful for ThemeForest authors, and quite a few HTML template authors ended up purchasing a license and started offering the builder with their HTML templates.
In addition to HTML template authors, we quickly started seeing interest in a flexible, self-hosted website builder from web developers, hosting companies, and other small businesses. This led me to continue developing the script into a proper self-hosted web application. So a few months later I released a product called "SiteBuilder Lite" on CodeCanyon. I continued working on and supporting this product for the next few years. Since then, the site builder products I launched on CodeCanyon have netted me just north of $80,000.
Pagestead, the latest iteration of this product, is the first product I started selling outside of the Envato environment. All previous versions were sold through CodeCanyon.
I validated the idea by having actual paying users from day one. Envato was a huge help in this. Since there were paying customers from the beginning, I could start gathering user feedback very early on. I was able to learn what my early customers and potential customers were looking for, how much they were comfortable paying, etc.
Additionally, while we were developing the current version of Pagestead, we started accepting pre-orders. The pre-order page mentioned the features we were planning on launching with, and the fact that quite a few people ended up pre-ordering validated that we were moving in the right direction.
Before I started building products, I did contract work for several years and worked a fair bit with digital agencies in Europe and the United States. This gave me a pretty good understanding of how typical agencies work and how they make buying decisions.
Furthermore, I ran an agency myself for a while which deepened my understanding of the industry and the problems they face that are relevant to our product. Since most of our customers to date are digital agencies, the insights I gathered over the years have been very helpful in understanding our customers.
When I created the first version of our page builder for CodeCanyon, I was already selling some other products on CodeCanyon. If memory serves me right, I was making maybe $1,000 per month from these products. Additionally, I was still doing contract work. I reckon my total monthly income was around $2,000 to $3,000 per month. Once I launched additional products, my monthly income started to go up.
The money I was making from contracting work and my Envato portfolio was enough to make me feel comfortable taking the leap and selling our next product outside of the Envato ecosystem. The cash investment that I would ultimately put into the first version of the modern Pagestead was around $10,000.
The first version of the modern Pagestead took around 18 months to complete. However, in these 18 months, we were not working on the product full time. I reckon that when we released Pagestead v1, we'd spent about 1,000 hours coding it, which does not take into account the time spent building previous versions of our page builder on which Pagestead is based.
Before development began on Pagestead, we started taking pre-orders and decided on the initial feature set based on customer feedback (from our previous products).
During this period, I was doing contract work for a company in L.A. and working on Pagestead in the evenings and on weekends. This was definitely a challenging period. I remember numerous days pondering whether or not to continue and whether we were ever going to be able to complete it. I knew we had a potentially good business on our hands since pre-orders came in on a regular basis along with customers reaching out and asking when we were finally going to launch.
However, the progress we were making was just too slow for comfort. We had to keep pushing back the launch date, resulting in frustrated pre-order customers. I recall considering pulling the plug several times.
Since Pagestead is a self-hosted web application, it's very important that we make it as easy as possible for buyers to install the software on their servers. To this end, we decided to use the popular CodeIgniter PHP framework for the back end of the application.
I am personally not a big fan of any of the popular JavaScript frameworks out there. That, plus the fact I was looking to use the front end of one our previous site builder products as a starting point, led me to use regular vanilla JavaScript for the front-end and page builder part of the application. The front-end code is structured using CommonJS modules, and we use Webpack to build and generate our front-end code.
Two developers helped with the development of Pagestead, and they are still involved today. Without them, creating the product would have taken forever (assuming I would have been able to complete it at all). Additionally, we have had a lot of help from existing customers and potential new customers who supplied us with a steady stream of useful feedback.
We officially launched Pagestead to the public on the 31st of May 2017. We'd been accepting pre-orders for about one full year at that point and were able to process just north of $30,000 in pre-order revenue.
Most of the traffic to our pre-order page had been driven by referrals from our existing products. We did not do much marketing before launching, other than sending out occasional emails to our mailing lists. (Most people on our lists are customers who have previously purchased one or more of our products.) When we actually launched the first version, we only notified our mailing list; we did not submit to Hacker News, Product Hunt, or any other site.
Our pre-order page was very basic, using the Divi Wordpress theme, explaining the main features, one or two application screenshots, and some samples of the blocks we were bundling with the application.
Here's a look at the landing page we used for our pre-orders while building the actual product:
The first few months following our launch, the majority of leads and customers were being driven by our mailing list and our existing products (we promote Pagestead on several websites for our other products). After launching, I started spending more time on content production and content marketing, which resulted in more and more businesses coming from Google and other search engines.
This is what our traffic looked like in the months following our official launch:
Month | Sessions |
Jun | 2237 |
Jul | 2611 |
Aug | 3681 |
Sep | 4076 |
Oct | 4237 |
Nov | 4371 |
Dec | 3667 |
What worked very well for us was having previously released popular, similar products on Envato's CodeCanyon website. Several of our other products are similar to Pagestead but have fewer features, and they drives a significant amount of Pagestead's traffic and sales. It simply builds upon previous successful products.
At the moment, we're focusing on content marketing using our own blog. This has definitely given our website traffic a big boost. However, I have not been able to determine how many leads and conversions we're getting from our search engine traffic.
We initially started publishing two long blog posts per week (between 1,000 and 1,250 words each), but I quickly started struggling with finding new topics to write about, as well as finding decent writers to get the articles written. I've experimented with using freelance writers from Upwork and other freelance sites. This was hit-or-miss, and I was not able to establish a long-term relationship with good writers. I ended up using CrowdContent, and I am modestly happy with the work. If you continue to use new writers (writers you haven't used yet before), you're still running the risk of being disappointed by the final work. However, once you've found good writers, you can give future assignments to them directly, which is great. I am currently paying between $100 and $150 per article.
The biggest problem with doing content marketing well is that you have to keep at it for a long time — I'd say at least a year, preferably longer. And when publishing twice a week, you'll quickly burn through your list of content topics. This something I am still struggling with today.
I have plans to start experimenting with paid traffic (Google and Facebook ads) in the future, and I am also exploring partnership possibilities. However, for the time being, our mailing list, existing products, and search engine traffic are doing a good enough job at growing our revenue until we reach product-market fit, and we're ready to start investing more in exploring different marketing channels.
My advice to starting entrepreneurs looking to grow their business would be to look into Rob Walling's stairstep approach to bootstrapping. Without knowing about this approach at the time (I only first saw Rob's blog post about two years ago), I followed it pretty much to the letter. The idea is to take small steps in growing your business. By releasing small products on an existing marketplace, I was able to start building my own audience and leveraging an existing audience. It was this very audience that gave Pagestead its initial boast.
Launching your first product to an existing audience (whether it's through a marketplace, someone else's blog, or a mailing list) will save you the effort and hassle of building your own before being able to launch.
Partnerships are another good option for finding an existing audience to launch a product. Find the market and audience for your product and figure out the easiest and quickest way to reach that audience. If you're a product person/coder like me, this almost always means getting out of your comfort zone and talking to people.
In our current business model we sell life-time licenses for our software at three different pricing tiers: Starter ($149), Professional ($599), and Enterprise ($2,499). Additionally, we use yearly subscriptions for support and updates. The first year of support and updates are included in the initial license fee. If customers want to continue receiving updates and getting support, they will need to pay the yearly renewal fee.
As I mentioned before, we started doing pre-orders while we were developing the product (at 20% off of the listed price). For each pre-order, we'd collect credit card details and the permission to charge those cards when we launched the product. (Gumroad makes all of this very easy.) So when we did launch, we instantly collected a large chunk of money — enough to finance the next months of developing the product and growing the business.
When we were ready to start taking pre-orders, we looked for the simplest way to collect payments and distribute our code, and we ended up going with Gumroad. Alhtough Gumroad is an awesome solution to get started with (we still recommend it often to fellow entrepreneurs who are just getting on their feet), we are now getting to a point where we start feeling the need for more flexibility and control. Therefore, we'll start transitioning to our own solution sometime in 2018.
At the moment, the business is doing around $5,500 in monthly revenue. We saw a big spike in revenue when we launched our highest pricing tier in September. Towards the end of the year, things slowed down a bit (as business tends to wind down during the holiday season). Except for salaries, our operating costs are still pretty low. Since we are not running the SaaS ourselves, our server costs are pretty low. We currently spend about $300 per month on operational costs (mostly a bunch of SaaS apps we use, plus a single dedicated server).
Month | Revenue |
Jul | 5261 |
Aug | 5924 |
Sep | 14572 |
Oct | 9459 |
Nov | 3737 |
Dec | 2993 |
As far as the product itself goes, we have a ton of features that we have yet to implement. We released a blog post earlier this month that mentions some of them.
For the business, the goal this year is to reach at least $10,000 in monthly revenue and work towards making a larger chunk of the total revenue subscription-based. This all comes down to getting the business to the level where it becomes sustainable long term, meaning we can all take a decent salary and have some money left to re-invest into the business.
To achieve this, the main priority right now is reaching product-market fit. I have a pretty clear picture of where the product needs to go to achieve this, so it's just a matter of getting into gear and moving towards that vision. And while we're working towards product-market fit, we'll start exploring additional marketing channels and experimenting with these channels to figure out how we can unlock the next growth spurt and where to invest our marketing dollars once we get to product-market fit.
Marketing itself has been and continues to be a bit of a hurdle, although I have been getting better at dedicating more time to it. It's not that it's too difficult — it's not that hard actually; as with most things, common sense gets you a long way — or that I dislike marketing per se. It's just that making sure I free up time to actually do it is still hard for me. (That said, I did used to hate it, probably because I am a programmer at heart and didn't know squat about marketing.)
While working on Pagestead, I made a number of mistakes. However, I should point out that, as is often the case with "mistakes", they only turn out to be mistakes in hindsight. I am referring mostly to choices regarding what parts of the business to focus on.
For example, we have spent a bunch of time and money developing templates for Pagestead which we never actually ended up using. (It turned out to be too costly and time consuming to fully implement at the time.) In hindsight, that time and money would have been better spent experimenting with marketing or adding highly requested features. That's one example, but there are plenty more. It's always easy to look back and say, "Hey, I should have known better." However, I don't dwell on it or even spend any time thinking about it. I just briefly consider whether there are any real obvious lessons to be learned (which, IMO, is not often the case) and then move on.
On the product/technical side of things, one of the main obstacles we have been dealing with is automating the update process for our software. This has turned out to be way more complex than we initially thought it would be. That said, we knew this was a feature we needed to have, so ever since our launch last year, we've been trying to improve the code handling this part of the business.
The complexity stems from the fact that we need to distribute updates automatically to a large number of servers. This in itself was not that big a deal, but the complexity was compounded by the size of some of our updates and different server configurations used by our customers.
Yet another layer of complexity is added when you consider the fact that we bundle themes (blocks) with our software as well. To give an example: when we make changes to the template, we have to make sure these very same changes are also applied to pages previously created with the software, meaning we'll need to make changes to data in our clients' databases. Needless to say, we have had a couple of headaches related to this.
As I previously mentioned, doing marketing has been a big thing for me. Along with many other indie hackers out there, I am coder/product person at heart and doing marketing was not something that was easy for me or came naturally. However, we simply need to come terms with the fact that marketing is part of building and growing a business. If you're not willing to overcome your aversion to these things, you'll need to reconsider starting a business. And as I pointed out previously, it's not nearly as hard or complex as many of us like to think. Once you start getting into it, you quickly realize it's mostly simple, common sense stuff. But it is something you need to make time for and do.
Being, or working towards becoming, a manager is also something that's been a bit of a hurdle for me. I am most in my element when I am working on a product by myself, without interruptions. I have been in the position where I've had to manage people several times in my professional career, and I've always seen it as a bit of a drag. Accepting the fact that I need to make myself available when someone needs me was a big step for me.
However, I also see this as part of building a business. If you get to the point where you need others to accomplish the mission, you'll need to make sure to step into that managerial role and just suck it up.
Finally, the physiological challenges of being a solo founder do take their toll from time to time. It truly can be very lonely starting a company or a business. This is definitely something I still struggle with, especially when it's compounded by working on a remote distributed team.
Additionally, I live in southern Thailand, where it's pretty damn difficult to meet like-minded technical founders. I combat this by trying to meet other entrepreneurs when I can, by meditating, by exercising, and by staying healthy generally. I am also still on the lookout for a suitable mastermind group, but have yet find one.
I read an awful lot, which makes it hard for me to pinpoint specific books that have helped me. I think it's more a combination of all the content, information, and tips you consume that helps you move along. I just recently finished Tim Ferriss's new book (Tribe of Mentors) which is filled with little pearls of wisdom from some of the world's biggest achievers.
I also get a lot from the Startups for the Rest of Us podcast by Rob Walling and Mike Taber. Rob and Mike are doing an awesome job with their podcast (which has been running forever it seems). They also organize a conference called "MicroConf" twice a year (once in the United States and once in Europe). I attended the Europe edition two years back and had a blast. I'll definitely attend again if circumstances allow for it. The people who attend this conference are mostly bootstrapping founders (often single founders), so right up my alley. It's just wonderful to spend a few days with like-minded people and to find out others have dealt with or are dealing with the same issues you are.
The same goes for community sites like Indie Hackers. I'm a big fan of the podcast. It's not even necessarily about learning stuff (although I do learn a lot listening to these podcasts, obviously). Whenever I am in a rut, feeling stuck, insecure, or unmotivated, simply listening to people talking about building businesses is often enough to rekindle that fire and get me going again.
Luck, timing, the right place at the right time, whatever you want to call it, has been a major factor in the success we've enjoyed. To be quite honest, I still feel like I know very little about what I am doing, and it often feels like I am somehow stumbling upwards (if that makes any sense?). I never actually set down and planned to build the business I have today. It kinda just happened, and it somehow feels like "luck" plays a way bigger role than skills, knowledge, connections, etc., do.
To give an example, I have been very lucky with timing when it has come to launching products on CodeCanyon. There just wasn't much competition back in the days that I launched, and site builders were just starting to gain popularity. If I were to do the exact same today, I am fairly certain it wouldn't work (or not nearly as well as it did a few years back). There've been many similar scenarios like that, often small but not insignificant. And when looking back, I can't help but think: "Damn, we were lucky there. That could have easily turned out rather different."
Another thing that's been a huge driver is learning to trust "intuition" or your "inner voice". This a tricky thing, because you obviously do not want to end up acting on every single useless thought that enters your mind. The ones you do want to pay attention to are different from the typical, daily "noise" in your head, and being able to tell the difference can be huge!
Meditation, or practicing awareness might help here, as useful thoughts typically arise (or at least they do for me) when I have a clear mind and have temporarily turned off the regular mental noise. For me, this is often during the morning, just after my morning meditation, during my daily run, or when I am out walking my dogs. It's no secret that your unconscious mind picks up and processes a huge amount of input, and I believe that when you're able to turn off the noise, you're giving your unconscious mind the space to use that processed data to form thoughts which can be very useful to whatever it is you're currently working on or struggling with.
Having some of the following skills have proven to be quite helpful to me:
Pagestead's main site is located at You can follow me on Twitter.
If you have any questions about the interview, Pagestead itself, or indie hacking from Thailand, feel free to leave them in the comment section below.
Great read!
I'm also a big fan of Startups For The Rest of Us. My company WP Buffs sells a productized service so it's not pure SaaS, listening in here has given me a ton of insight.
We also provide a white-label service and work with agencies and freelancers to support their clients. Great to see somebody else having success with that kind of business model.
And to see somebody launch a page builder in such a crowded marketplace and start to see some success is an important story to tell. With Beaver Builder, Elementor, Divi and a few other major players out there, I think it's important to show people how you can start by capturing the attention of a few people and grow from there.
Keep on rocking!
P.S. Hi, @primozcigler :)
Awesome work. A question:
What are the reasons your customers pick Pagestead over something like WordPress on a multisite that's also self-hosted? I assume it's the seamless experience vs. needing a bunch of plugins and managing it all, but is there anything else?
The seamless experience definitely plays a large role. More and more people are growing tired of dealing the bloated mess that Wordpress has become today. When it comes to building simple sites, say a 5-page brochure site, Wordpress is simply overkill.
That said, our page builder plays an important role as well. Allowing a visually appealing and easy way to create nice pages offers additional value, compared to the Wordpress short-code mess.
At the end of day, we believe both Pagestead and Wordpress both server their own purpose.
Great story and an awesome product. Have you considered a lower price (e.g. $20-$40) but on a monthly basis? Would love to use this to create some landing pages as and when I need them.
We have been thinking about subscriptions for the software itself. However with Pagestead being a self-hosted project, there's really no reason for customers to continue their monthly subscription once they get their hands on the source code. if we were to offer something like this, what would motivate you to continue your subscription? Thanks for your input!
Why not offer it as saas?
This is a question we get frequently. The answer is twofold: first, the fact that our software is self-hosted, white-label and open source is why most of our customers purchase a license. They're looking to modify, integrate or use it in some other way that a regular SaaS app won't allow. Second, we'd up against like likes of Wix, Weebly, Squarespace and numerous other large, well established companies with very deep pockets.
Aaron Swartz is in Open Source heaven looking down proudly on how you answered this question.
I have tried to test pagestead but it never sends out a link for a demo like it says it will
That's a bummer! Did you check your SPAM folder? It sometimes ends up there. If it's not there either, please let me know what your email address is and I'll send you the link manually.
I also had the same issue. Gmail treated it as spam. Issue is because your return and origin address on the message is [email protected]. If you correct that, it will go to Inboxes. Thanks for the interview. I am so inspired by you. Cheers
Hey Matt, so great to talk to you again! You'll remember me from ProteusThemes, we did business together, you coding some of our WP themes to HTML and selling them on TF :)
This interview is gold! I've already copy/pasted (and attributed) your view on dealing with angry customers to our internal knowledge base on how our team communicates with the rest of the world.
Now the Gutenberg in WP is all the rage, I cannot resist - you're a true visionary, in Pagestead you were using the concept of "blocks" before they were the thing 😎
Wish you all the best with Pagestead! And expect my email soon :)
Hey Primoz,
How've you been man? Yep, I sure remember the good old days over at TF ;) I'll reply to your email soon!
Impressive the $30K in pre-orders, congrats!
Respect for sticking with the process as a "solopreneur"!
Huge. That's why communities such as IH are so important in showing the full journey, instead of the tipping points.
How do you find agencies using your product? Do they build a client website using your solution and then host it and offer the client to be able to customise it by himself as a package?
Great read, thank you! 👍
We acquire leads through a combined effort of SEO/content marketing, referrals (from others products/projects we own) and through our existing network and email subscribers. Once we're getting closer to product/market fit, we'll start investing more in experimenting with additional marketing channels (like paid advertising, partnerships, engineering as marketing, etc).
The majority of our customers offer Pagestead (typically rebranded as their own product) as SaaS to their own customers. However, we also do see a number of customers who use the software to build websites for their customers and then give them access to manage and maintain the site themselves.
Really flexible value prop, gives you and your clients a lot of options. Great idea 👍